Beneficiaries who fail the initial 12-week trial are eligible to requalify for a PAP device, but must have both:
If a PAP device is replaced during the five-year reasonable useful lifetime (RUL) because of loss, theft, or irreparable damage due to a specific incident, there is no requirement for a new clinical evaluation, sleep test, or trial period.
If a PAP device is replaced following the five-year RUL, there must be an in-person evaluation by their treating practitioner that documents that the beneficiary continues to use and benefit from the PAP device. There is no requirement for a new sleep test or trial period.
For beneficiaries who received a PAP device prior to enrollment in fee for service (FFS) Medicare and are seeking Medicare coverage of either rental of the device, a replacement PAP device and/or accessories, both of the following coverage requirements must be met:
a. Has a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea; and
b. Continues to use the PAP device.
If criterion 1 or 2 above are not met, the claim will be denied as not reasonable and necessary.
In these situations, there is no requirement for a clinical re-evaluation or for objective documentation of adherence.
An E0470 device is covered if criteria 1-3 are met:
If all of the above criteria for beneficiaries with COPD are met, an E0470 device will be covered for the first three months of therapy.
If all of the above criteria are not met, E0470 and related accessories will be denied as not reasonable and necessary.
An E0471 device will be covered for a beneficiary with COPD in either of the two situations below, depending on the testing performed to demonstrate the need.
Situation 1. For severe COPD beneficiaries who qualified for an E0470 device, an E0471 started any time after a period of initial use of an E0470 device is covered if both criteria 1 and 2 are met.
Situation 2. For severe COPD beneficiaries who qualified for an E0470 device, an E0471 device will be covered if, at a time no sooner than 61 days after initial issue of the E0470 device, both of the following criteria 1 and 2 are met:
If E0471 is billed but the criteria described in either situation 1 or 2 are not met, it will be denied as not reasonable and necessary.
An E0470 or E0471 device is covered when, prior to initiating therapy, a complete facility-based, attended PSG is performed documenting the following (1 and 2):
If both of the above criteria are met, either an E0470 or an E0471 device (based on the judgment of the treating practitioner) will be covered for beneficiaries with documented CSA or CompSA for the first three months of therapy.
If both of the above criteria are not met, then E0470 or E0471 and related accessories will be denied as not reasonable and necessary.
Beneficiaries covered for the first three months of an E0470 or an E0471 device must be re-evaluated to establish the medical necessity of continued coverage by Medicare beyond the first three months. While the beneficiary may certainly need to be evaluated at earlier intervals after this therapy is initiated, the re-evaluation upon which Medicare will base a decision to continue coverage beyond this time must occur no sooner than 61 days after initiating therapy by the treating practitioner. Medicare will not continue coverage for the fourth and succeeding months of therapy until this re-evaluation has been completed.
There must be documentation in the beneficiary’s medical record about the progress of relevant symptoms and beneficiary usage of the device up to that time. Failure of the beneficiary to be consistently using the E0470 or E0471 device for an average of 4 hours per 24-hour period by the time of the re-evaluation (on or after 61 days after initiation of therapy) would represent noncompliant utilization for the intended purposes and expectations of benefit of this therapy. This would constitute reason for Medicare to deny continued coverage as not reasonable and necessary.
A signed and dated statement completed by the treating practitioner no sooner than 61 days after initiating use of the device, declaring that the beneficiary is compliantly using the device (an average of 4 hours per 24-hour period) and that the beneficiary is benefiting from its use, must be obtained by the supplier of the device for continued coverage beyond three months.
If the above criteria are not met, continued coverage of an E0470 or an E0471 device and related accessories will be denied as not reasonable and necessary.
For beneficiaries who received an E0470 or E0471 device prior to enrollment in fee-for-service (FFS) Medicare and are seeking Medicare reimbursement for a rental, either to continue using the existing device or for a replacement device, coverage transition is not automatic. These claims are considered to be new, initial rentals for Medicare. Therefore, all current coverage and documentation requirements set out in this policy must be met with the exceptions noted below.
Qualification testing. Use of testing performed prior to Medicare eligibility is allowed. There must be documentation that the beneficiary had the testing required by the applicable scenario, e.g., oximetry, sleep testing, or spirometry, prior to FFS Medicare enrollment, that meets the current coverage criteria in effect at the time that the beneficiary seeks Medicare coverage of a replacement device and/or accessories; and
Clinical evaluation. Following enrollment in FFS Medicare, the beneficiary must have an in-person evaluation by their treating practitioner who documents all of the following in the beneficiary’s medical record:
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) National Coverage Determinations Manual (CMS Pub. 100-03) in Chapter 1, Part 4, Section 280.1, stipulates that ventilators (E0465, E0466, and E0467) are covered for the following conditions:
Neuromuscular diseases, thoracic restrictive diseases, and chronic respiratory failure consequent to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Each of these disease categories are comprised of conditions that can vary from severe and life-threatening to less serious forms. These ventilator-related disease groups overlap conditions described in this respiratory assist devices medical policy criteria used to determine coverage for bi-level PAP devices. Each of these disease categories are conditions where the specific presentation of the disease can vary from beneficiary to beneficiary. For conditions such as these, the specific treatment plan for any individual beneficiary will vary as well. Choice of an appropriate treatment plan, including the determination to use a ventilator vs. a bi-level PAP device, is made based upon the specifics of each individual beneficiary’s medical condition. In the event of a claim review, there must be sufficient detailed information in the medical record to justify the treatment selected.